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Monday, June 23, 2014

Attribution Theory By Fritz Heider

At first, the beginning, the theory raised by Fritz Heider was born. Heider research how the creation of personal relationships he describes in the book: The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, published in 1958. Heider In the book accompanying concept he calls "common-sense" or "naive" psychology. Heider believes that a person's actions berdasarkaan their beliefs. Heider convey the basic idea, that people try to find whether a motivation of an observed behavior is caused by situational characteristics or personal. So the concept of "causal attribution" - As time goes on Heider's theory evolved. This theory was developed by E.E. Jones and K.E.Davis (1965) and expanded and clarified by H.H.Kelley (1979). 

Attribution is one conclusion as to the cause of an event, the cause of other people's behavior, and the behavior it self. Attribution theory is concerned with the procedures in which people explain the behavior and motivations of others. 

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Adaptive Structuration Theory By Marshall Scott Poole

Marshall Scott Poole is a professor of communication at Texas A & M University who developed the Theory of Adaptive Structuration. This theory is based on the Theory of Structuration (Structuration Theory) Anthony Giddens. This theory is defined as "the production and reproduction of social systems through the use of rules and resources of members in interaction". DeSanctis and Poole adapted Giddens theory to study the interaction of groups and organizations with information technology and called Adaptive Structuration Theory. 

The concept of Giddens Structuration inspired the Theory of Adaptive Structuration by Poole, Poole called his theory of adaptive because group members deliberately adjust resources to meet the goals and rules. Poole believes that the value of the theory group of decision makers who make a foothold on the complexity of the interaction.

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